Frederica Bench
Frederica Bench's Details
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Hello everyone I am 18 years old and I am from the Czech
Republic. I prefer painting and graphics. I work in various techniques such as watercolor, acrylic and oil paints. My favorite subjects are landscapes, portraits, and abstraction.
My Fantasies
I am interested in modern trends in art, such as conceptual and performative art. I often visit exhibitions, galleries, and art events where I my impressions and ideas.
My Obsessions & Desires
I also really like to communicate with people and get to know them better. I like nice and kind people. I will be very glad to meet you.
Additional Info
I'm interested in photography, especially street photography and portrait photography. I like tmoments from everyday life and experiment with light and composition
Special Info
For me, art is a way to talk about my feelings and perception of the world. I believe that art can inspire, provoke and change the perception of reality.
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